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Twist, turn, spin, bend, leap – these words evoke the dance-like gestures that form my paintings.  There is always a strong sense of tension, motion and exploration that comes from trying to find a balancebetween chance and control. My process begins by pouring paint onto a surface and allowing themotion of the liquid to find its own path. Sometimes I tilt the surface or blow on the paint puddles tohelp the process along. Kick, Scud, and Bounce are acrylic works employing collage elements and a "faux encaustic" look created with layers of acrylic medium.


I honor the serendipity of the spill and respond to it with the colorsand shapes that follow. With the abundance of color and contrast, the unfolding stories start to refer tohumans or animals navigating their worlds as best they can with humor and perseverance.

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